
Body Composition

Hormones for weight loss

Outsmart Your Hormones for Effective Fat Loss

By Blog, Body Composition, Body Composition Analysis, Fat mass

Hormones play a significant role in regulating body composition, including fat storage, muscle growth, and bone density. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels, while leptin signals the brain when full and ghrelin stimulates appetite. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, and cortisol responds to stress. A holistic approach, including healthy habits, is necessary for weight management, as hormones interact with each other and are influenced by lifestyle factors.

Ever wondered what’s pulling the strings behind your body’s response to food, stress, and other factors that influence weight? The answer lies largely in your hormones.

Hormones play a significant role in regulating body composition, which refers to the proportion of fat, muscle, and bone mass in the body. They influence various aspects, such as fat storage, muscle growth, and bone density.

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of endocrine function and see how various hormones play a crucial role in maintaining body weight.

Insulin: The Sugar Regulator

Insulin, produced by the pancreas, plays a crucial role in controlling blood sugar levels by facilitating the absorption of glucose into cells for use as energy.

Our body breaks down food into glucose, which enters the bloodstream. High blood glucose levels trigger the pancreas to release insulin, directing cells to use glucose for energy.

Overconsumption of sugars and carbohydrates can cause insulin levels to rise, which in turn promotes fat storage and can lead to increased body fat (especially abdominal fat) if the energy isn’t used.

insulin and blood sugar

Discover how visceral fat may be causing your health problems

Insulin resistance is a common condition that occurs when your cells become less responsive to insulin, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels as glucose cannot enter your cells.

To compensate for this, your pancreas produces additional insulin to enhance glucose absorption. Research has established a correlation between insulin resistance and obesity, which can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

To avoid insulin resistance

To avoid high sugar spikes that can lead to insulin resistance in the long run, it’s important to increase fiber intake in the diet.

Consuming foods that are high in fiber can help you regulate blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of developing insulin resistance. Additionally, increasing your muscle mass can help improve your insulin resistance. This is because your muscle cells are able to use glucose for energy, which can help lower your blood sugar levels.

It’s important to maintain other healthy lifestyle habits, such as consuming a balanced diet, avoiding excessive sugar and carbohydrate intake, and engaging in regular physical activity.

Leptin: The Satiety Hormone

Leptin is a hormone produced by the fat cells in your body. One of its main functions is to signal your brain when you’ve had enough to eat so that you stop feeling hungry.

Leptin is important for maintaining a healthy weight, but overweight individuals may develop leptin resistance. This reduces the brain’s response to leptin signals, causing hunger even after eating enough.

This can lead to overeating, weight gain, and other health problems. Researchers are still working to understand the causes of leptin resistance and how it can be prevented or treated.

Overeating and Leptin

Some potential factors that may contribute to leptin resistance include a diet high in processed foods and sleep deprivation. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and enough sleep, to prevent the onset of leptin resistance and maintain a healthy weight.

Ghrelin: The Hunger Hormone

Ghrelin is a hormone that is often referred to as the ‘hunger hormone, as it is responsible for stimulating appetite. It is produced in the stomach, and levels rise before meals, which signals to the brain that it’s time to eat. After eating, ghrelin levels decrease, which helps reduce hunger.

However, if someone has a constant, high level of ghrelin, it could lead to overeating, which in turn may lead to weight gain. In fact, research has shown that individuals with high levels of ghrelin tend to consume more calories and have a higher body mass index than those with lower levels of the hormone.

Ghrelin: The Hunger Hormone stimulating your appetite

Therefore, it is important to regulate ghrelin levels in the body in order to maintain a healthy weight and avoid overeating. This can be achieved through various means, such as consuming a balanced diet, ensuring adequate sleep, and managing stress levels. By doing so, individuals can help keep their ghrelin levels in check and maintain a healthy body weight.

How do I manage ghrelin levels?

Losing weight can be challenging due to the fact that reducing calorie intake can often result in higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger. Moreover, metabolism tends to slow down, and levels of leptin decrease.

According to the research, incorporating protein into your diet may help regulate ghrelin levels, which can reduce hunger and support weight management. Additionally, it’s important to eat regular meals instead of skipping them in order to regulate ghrelin and prevent overeating. If you’re struggling to control your appetite, it’s recommended that you seek medical help.

Thyroid Hormones: The Metabolism Masters

The role of thyroid hormone in metabolism

The thyroid gland is a vital component of our endocrine system and plays a crucial role in regulating our metabolism.

The thyroid hormones T3 and T4, produced by the thyroid gland, are responsible for this regulation.

A decrease in the production of these hormones can slow down our metabolism and result in weight gain.

Regular exercise and consuming a diet like the Mediterranean diet rich in iodine, selenium, and zinc can support healthy thyroid function, which in turn supports a healthy metabolism and body weight.

Cortisol: The Stress Hormone

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. It provides energy and resources to deal with stress. However, chronic stress can lead to persistently high cortisol levels, which can harm the body.

A women stress about her work and the cortisol increasing

One of the most significant effects of chronically elevated cortisol levels is weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. This is because cortisol can stimulate the appetite, leading to overeating, and can also promote the storage of fat in the abdominal region.

Therefore, it is important to find ways to manage and reduce stress in order to maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being.

Engaging in stress-relieving activities, such as yoga, meditation, or simply taking a walk in nature, can help manage cortisol levels. This, in turn, can help to control body weight and reduce the risk of visceral fat accumulation.

What Is Visceral Fat, and How Can You Detect It?

Visceral fat, also known as “deep fat,” is body fat that’s stored within the abdominal cavity. It’s located around a number of important internal organs, such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. This differentiates it from subcutaneous fat, which is stored under the skin and can be easily seen and measured.

Visceral fat is considered dangerous because of its association with a higher risk of several health problems, such as an increased risk of heart attack, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.

The medical BIA test is one of the great option in calculating your body fat percentage, including visceral fat, by measuring the resistance of an electric current as it moves through your body.

This method allows you to understand your visceral fat in a noninvasive, low-cost, and radiation-free way. By taking an InBody test, one of the professional BIA tests available at InBody locations, you can gain insight into your visceral fat and take the first step toward making positive lifestyle changes.

Final Thoughts on Hormones and Body Composition

It is important to understand that the impact of hormones on our body weight is not a simple, straightforward process. There are a multitude of hormones at play, and they all interact with each other in complex ways that are still not fully understood by scientists. Although insulin and cortisol play a significant role in body weight, they do not act alone. They interact with other hormones and bodily processes and are influenced by lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and sleep.

Therefore, it is not enough to simply focus on a single hormone when it comes to weight management. Rather, a holistic approach with healthcare professionals is necessary, one that takes into account all of the different hormones and factors that can influence body weight. By adopting healthy habits, such as eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep, we can promote a hormonal balance that supports our weight management efforts.

Achieve a Lean Muscular Body with InBody

By BIA, Body Composition, Corporate Wellness, Muscle

Achieving a lean muscular body is a goal for many fitness enthusiasts and athletes. It not only improves physical appearance but also enhances overall health and fitness.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of strength training in building lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, and using advanced body composition analysis like InBody to track your progress. By following these principles, you’ll be well on your way to a lean, muscular body.

strength training for muscular body

Strength Training: The Key to a Lean Muscular Body

Strength training is crucial for developing a lean muscular body, as it helps increase lean muscle mass, burn calories more efficiently, and improve overall health and fitness. Incorporating strength training into your fitness routine not only enhances physical appearance but also provides a myriad of health benefits, such as injury prevention and better posture.

Here are some essential tips highlighting the importance of strength training in building muscle:

  • Compound exercises: Focus on compound exercises, like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows, which target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These exercises help build muscle mass, improve functional strength, and stimulate greater hormonal responses for muscle growth.
  • Progressive overload: Gradually increase the weight, sets, repetitions, or rest time between sets to challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth. This principle ensures that your muscles adapt and grow stronger over time.
  • Train consistently: Aim to train each muscle group at least twice a week for optimal muscle growth. Consistency in your training routine will lead to better results and help prevent plateaus.
  • Mind-muscle connection: Focus on the contraction and control of your muscles during each exercise. Establishing a strong mind-muscle connection can help activate the target muscle group more effectively and lead to better muscle development.
  • Adequate recovery: Give your muscles time to recover and grow by scheduling rest days or alternating between muscle groups. Proper recovery is crucial for muscle growth and preventing overtraining.

By incorporating these strength training tips into your fitness routine, you will be well on your way to building a lean, muscular body.

Nutrition for lean muscular body

Maintaining a Healthy Metabolism and Nutrition

Once your metabolism is in check, you can manipulate foods to help you lose weight and implement an effective training schedule to add muscle to your body. Building muscle is hard work and requires excellent sports nutrition. Make sure to consume a balanced diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals to support muscle growth and recovery.

Here are some nutritional tips for achieving a lean, muscular body:

  • Prioritize protein intake: Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. Aim to consume a source of high-quality protein with every meal, including lean meats, poultry, fish, dairy, legumes, and protein supplements.
  • Opt for complex carbohydrates: Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, provide a sustained source of energy and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. These carbs are crucial for fueling your workouts and supporting muscle recovery.
  • Incorporate healthy fats: Healthy fats, like those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, play a vital role in hormone production and overall health. Ensure that you consume adequate amounts of healthy fats daily.

Consistency and Monitoring Your Progress

Consistency is crucial when working toward a lean, muscular body. Stick to your strength training routine and maintain a balanced diet to see results over time.

Tracking lean muscular body with InBody

Tracking your progress with tools like the InBody analysis can help you stay motivated and make any necessary adjustments to your training and nutrition plan.

The InBody devices, a body composition analyzer is an advanced tool that provides accurate, quick, and non-invasive assessments of your body composition, including Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM) and body fat percentage.

We understand that achieving a lean muscular body is a goal for many fitness enthusiasts and athletes. It not only improves physical appearance but also enhances overall health and fitness. That’s why InBody provides age-specific evaluation by InBody Big Data, a comprehensive analysis that considers your age group in order to provide a more personalized and accurate assessment of your body composition.

The InBody 970 provides an age-evaluation graph that focuses on Skeletal Muscle Mass. This allows you to compare your current muscle with the reference range, which helps you determine whether your current muscle mass is adequate compared to the InBody big data.

With this feature, the InBody 970 can provide Skeletal Muscle Index (SMI) and Skeletal Muscle Mass by age, based on globally accumulated InBody Big Data. This allows you to compare your data to the data of the young age group (T-score) and the same age group (Z-score), providing a more detailed understanding of your body composition.

With the ability to compare your data to others within your age group, you can see how you measure up and potentially identify areas for improvement. This feature adds an extra layer of analysis to the InBody 970, making it an even more valuable tool for those looking to achieve a lean muscular body.


Achieving a lean muscular body requires a combination of strength training, proper nutrition, and monitoring your progress using advanced body composition analysis tools like InBody.

By focusing on muscle gain, incorporating effective strength training techniques, maintaining a healthy metabolism and nutrition plan, and tracking your progress consistently, you will be well on your way to a lean, muscular body.

Remember that patience and perseverance are vital, and with time and effort, you will see the results you desire.

ECW Ratio: The Overlooked Health Indicator About Inflammation

By BIA, Body Composition, Medical

Extracellular Water (ECW) Ratio, a critical parameter in body composition analysis, plays a significant role in understanding various health conditions. One of the lesser-known connections is between the ECW Ratio and inflammation, which can impact overall health and wellness.

This blog post will delve into the hidden link between the ECW Ratio and inflammation, exploring how the ECW Ratio is associated with acute and chronic inflammation. By understanding these connections, we can better monitor, manage, and improve the health of different kinds of patients.

What is ECW Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

The ECW Ratio is an important indicator of body water balance, which measures the proportion of extracellular water (the fluid outside cells) to total body water (the combined amount of water inside and outside cells).

Patient's ECW ratio exceeds the upper limit of the normal range.

In a healthy state, the ECW Ratio should range between 0.360 to 0.390. When the ECW Ratio falls outside this range, it may indicate potential health concerns.

A ratio higher than the normal range may suggest an excess of extracellular water, which can be associated with inflammation and other health conditions such as heart and kidney disease.

By looking at how the ECW Ratio equation is calculated above, you will be able to understand the underlying factors and how they are linked to inflammation in the body.

[Note: Total Body Water (TBW) = Extracellular Water (ECW) + Intracellular Water (ICW).]


The increase in ECW Ratio is often due to two factors:

  • An increase in ECW
  • A decrease in ICW

In this blog post, we will primarily discuss the increase in extracellular water (ECW) and its link to inflammation in our body.

Acute Inflammation and ECW Ratio

Acute inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. It is a necessary and beneficial process that helps the body heal and repair damaged tissue. Acute inflammation can cause localized edema, which may affect the ECW Ratio by increasing extracellular water in the affected area.

Close-up of a young man with a knee injury and signs of inflammation.

The Segmental ECW Ratio Analysis allows health professionals to identify any body segments that may experience circulation issues that could be due to health conditions, rehabilitation (injury), or peripheral edema.

Segmental ECW Ratio

The Segmental ECW Ratio Analysis is a useful tool for health professionals to identify circulation issues in different parts of the body. By identifying the ECW Ratio in specific body segments, the analysis can help pinpoint potential injuries or inflammation that may be present in certain parts of the body segment.

Additionally, the analysis can be used to monitor circulation during rehabilitation from injury, as well as track the progression of peripheral edema in patients. With this information, health professionals can develop more targeted treatment plans to address circulation issues and improve overall health outcomes for their patients.*

Chronic Inflammation and ECW Ratio

Chronic inflammation is a persistent, low-grade inflammation that can have serious health consequences if left unchecked.

It can cause swelling, which can lead to an increase in extracellular water and affect the reading of the ECW Ratio. This can be particularly problematic for patients with chronic diseases, such as heart and kidney disease, diabetes, and cancer, who may already be dealing with imbalances in their body water distribution.

By understanding the link between chronic inflammation and swelling, healthcare professionals can better monitor and manage the condition, potentially improving outcomes for their patients.

Dialysis patient

Chronic inflammation is a common issue in hemodialysis patients and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. This inflammation is frequently accompanied by malnutrition, resulting in a malnutrition-inflammation complex syndrome. One study found that HD patients with low albumin levels and high C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which are indicative of inflammation, had a higher risk of mortality.

The ECW Ratio may be useful in this situation, as patients with complications from diseases often require different adjustments to their dry weight. For example, hemodialysis patients with diabetes or low albumin levels will have a higher ECW Ratio value, which needs to be considered when determining the dry weight.

Using the ECW Ratio value in conjunction with trusted bioelectrical impedance analysis can provide healthcare professionals with more informed decision-making capabilities when consulting and intervening with dialysis patients.

How the ECW Ratio is applied in Nephrology?

Monitoring and Managing ECW Ratio and Inflammation

Understanding the hidden link between the ECW Ratio and inflammation highlights the importance of monitoring and managing these factors for optimal health. Reducing inflammation may help maintain a healthy ECW Ratio and prevent the development of chronic health conditions associated with inflammation.

Patients with chronic diseases who require monitoring of their inflammation status and edema symptoms are strongly advised to seek a proper diagnosis and consultation with a medical specialist.*


The hidden link between the ECW Ratio and inflammation is a critical aspect of understanding overall health and well-being. By monitoring the ECW Ratio using InBody devices, individuals and healthcare professionals can assess body water circulation, identify potential imbalances, and take necessary steps to manage inflammation and related health conditions.

Now that you understand how an increase in ECW can result in an increase in the ECW Ratio, you should also be aware that a decrease in ICW can also contribute to an increase in the ECW Ratio.

Check out our blog post on the topic to learn more about the decrease in ICW and its relation to health complications. Understanding both factors could give you a more complete picture of how the ECW Ratio is related to inflammation and how it can affect your overall health and wellness.

*Disclaimer: Please consult your healthcare professional for interpretation of the results and diagnosis.

Senior people with sarcopenia

ECW Ratio: Sarcopenia’s Unseen Predictor You Need to Know

By Body Composition, Health, Medical

Sarcopenia: A Silent Thief of Muscle Mass

Aging brings about numerous changes in the body, one of the most alarming of which is sarcopenia. This age-related decrease in muscle mass and strength can contribute to functional impairment and a decline in the body’s overall water composition.

Most of the water inside cells is stored in muscles. This process affects muscles directly, highlighting the importance of maintaining muscle mass for staying healthy at the cellular level.

Malnutrition and Sarcopenia

Compounding the problem of muscle loss is malnutrition, which can further accelerate the decline in muscle mass by depriving the body of essential amino acids and nutrients required for muscle maintenance and overall cellular health.

This deprivation can lead to a reduction in intracellular water (ICW), which is vital for proper cellular function, and cause an increase in the extracellular water (ECW) ratio, a measure of fluid accumulation outside of cells that can further impact tissue health and function.

Causes of deccreased in ICW

ECW Ratio: A New Marker for Sarcopenia

The most common method for diagnosing sarcopenia is through measuring muscle mass, usually via dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Other methods include measuring muscle strength, using handgrip dynamometry, and assessing physical performance, such as gait speed.

The ECW Ratio, an indicator of the proportion of extracellular water in relation to total body water, has emerged as a key marker for sarcopenia and malnutrition.

The Role of Inflammation in Sarcopenia

In recent years, studies have suggested a possible association between sarcopenia and inflammation. Specifically, inflammatory cytokines have been shown to stimulate muscle wasting by prompting protein catabolism and suppressing muscle synthesis.

There’s also evidence that chronic low-grade inflammation, also known as “inflammaging,” contributes to sarcopenia. Inflammaging is when there are more inflammatory molecules in your body that cause swelling as you get older. This can damage your tissues and make you more likely to get age-related conditions like type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and sarcopenia.

Older adult with sarcopenia

According to a study, individuals with low grip strength had a 1.63 times higher Extracellular Water (ECW) Ratio than healthy individuals. The ECW Ratio is expected to be an effective indicator for tracking physical function under newly revised sarcopenia criteria.

The ECW Ratio’s connection to sarcopenia emphasizes the importance of monitoring this measurement to better understand the impact of inflammation on muscle mass and overall health.

ECW Ratio and Survival Rates in Cancer Patients

Even more compelling is the application of the ECW Ratio in predicting survival rates among cancer patients with sarcopenia. Studies have shown that the ECW to Total Body Water (TBW) ratio can be a better predictor of survival than other indicators.

Cancer patients with a high ECW/TBW ratio (>0.395) and a high Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) exhibited a 3.84-fold increased risk of mortality.

This could be a useful tool for predicting survival rates in cancer patients with sarcopenia indicators, and its application can greatly benefit hospitals and geriatricians.

For instance, early identification of changes in the ECW Ratio can provide critical insights into the progression of sarcopenia, allowing for earlier intervention and potentially better outcomes for hospitalized patients.

In other words, the use of the ECW Ratio in predicting survival rates among cancer patients with sarcopenia can help healthcare professionals make more informed decisions about treatment options and potential outcomes.*

Application of ECW Ratio for geriatrician

Conclusion: The Importance of Monitoring the ECW Ratio in Sarcopenia Patient

The association between sarcopenia and the ECW Ratio underlines the importance of monitoring this key health parameter. The early identification of changes in the ECW Ratio can provide critical insights into the impact of inflammation on muscle mass and overall health, promoting better management and possibly even prevention of sarcopenia.

While sarcopenia and the ECW Ratio are related, an increased ECW Ratio may be caused by factors other than sarcopenia, such as inflammation. If you want to learn more about the connection between inflammation and the ECW Ratio, check out this blog post for insightful information on how inflammation affects body water balance and the ECW Ratio.

*Disclaimer: Please consult your healthcare professional for interpretation of the results and diagnosis.

A man is having a rest days workout

Rest Days Workout: Train Smarter, Not Harder

By BIA, Body Composition, Fitness

Are you someone who is constantly pushing yourself to your limits during your workout sessions? Do you feel like you need to work out every single day to see results?

If yes, then it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate your approach to exercise, focusing on the importance of rest days in your workout routine. Contrary to popular belief, working out every day may not be the most effective way to achieve your fitness goals. In fact, rest days are just as important as exercise days when it comes to muscle recovery and overall fitness success.

A man is having a rest days workout

The Science Behind Rest Days in a Workout

When we exercise, we put our muscles under stress, causing microscopic damage to muscle fibers. This damage is what leads to muscle soreness and fatigue after a workout.

But it’s during the rest period that the muscles repair and rebuild, leading to stronger muscles. When we give our bodies time to recover, we can perform better during the next workout session. Additionally, rest days help prevent injuries that can result from overuse or fatigue, especially when engaging in high-intensity or repetitive exercise activities.

💡 Research shows that the optimal rest time for muscles to recover is between 48-72 hours for the muscles that were worked during the exercise session. However, the exact rest period needed may vary depending on various factors, such as fitness level, age, and intensity of the workout.

The Benefits of Rest Days in a Workout Routine

Improved Muscle Recovery

Rest days allow your muscles to recover and repair, which leads to improved muscle strength and endurance. Skipping rest days can lead to muscle fatigue and decrease in performance.

Prevents Overtraining

Overtraining can lead to injuries and setbacks in your fitness journey. Taking rest days can help prevent overtraining and allow your body to recharge.

A young guy have a better sleep quality

Better Sleep

Physical activity increases energy-boosting hormones like cortisol.

However, overdoing it can lead to the increase of this hormone, which can negatively impact your quality of sleep and worsen feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.

Rest is essential for allowing your hormones to return to a normal, balanced state and ensuring better sleep quality.

Mental Health Benefits

Rest days can help reduce stress and anxiety associated with exercise. Taking time off can give you a mental break from the pressures of working out and help you feel refreshed and motivated for your next workout.

Tips for Incorporating Rest Days into Your Workout Routine

  1. Plan your rest days: Schedule your rest days into your weekly fitness routine to ensure that you are giving your body adequate time to recover.
  2. Active recovery: Instead of completely taking the day off, consider doing low-intensity activities like yoga or stretching on your rest days.
  3. Listen to your body: If you feel like you need an extra rest day, don’t hesitate to take it. Your body knows best and it’s important to listen to it.
  4. Focus on nutrition: Rest days are the perfect time to focus on your nutrition and make sure that you are fueling your body with the right nutrients.

Importance of Knowing Your Body Composition

If you’re serious about fitness and muscle recovery, then it’s important to know your body composition. This is where the InBody Test comes in. The InBody Test is a non-invasive and quick body composition analysis that provides an accurate breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, and water. By using the InBody Result Sheet, you can easily track your muscle mass and fat mass, and see how your body composition changes over time.

A man is experiencing pain due to not having any rest days.

Knowing your muscle mass is especially important when it comes to muscle recovery. Rest days are crucial for allowing the muscles to recover, repair, and strengthen. By monitoring your muscle mass with the InBody Test, you can ensure that you’re not losing muscle mass during rest periods, and that you’re taking enough rest days to allow for proper muscle recovery.

Additionally, the InBody Result Sheet provides a detailed analysis of your muscle and fat mass in specific regions of your body, which is known as Segmental Lean Analysis. This allows you to see which areas of your body have higher or lower muscle and fat mass, and make adjustments to your workout routine accordingly.

InBody Segmental Lean Analysis. png

For example, in the picture shown, if you have lower muscle mass in your legs, you may want to incorporate more leg exercises into your fitness routine.


In conclusion, rest days are just as important as exercise days when it comes to muscle recovery and overall fitness success. Rest days allow your muscles to recover and repair, prevent overtraining, improve sleep quality, and provide mental health benefits. It’s important to schedule rest days into your weekly fitness routine, and get the progressed track with body composition analysis.

The InBody Test and Result Sheet are valuable tools for monitoring muscle mass and ensuring proper muscle recovery. They enable you to make informed decisions about your workout routine and rest days. InBody devices are trusted by over 200 fitness centers in Malaysia, making it easy for you to locate the nearest center and track your fitness progress.

Where can I get InBody test?

Remember to schedule rest days, listen to your body, and focus on nutrition for optimal muscle recovery and overall fitness. Incorporating information from the InBody test with sports professionals can definitely help with your progress in muscle gain.

Lady Is Looking for Ways for Reducing Swelling in Feet

5 Easy Ways for Reducing Swelling in Feet

By Body Composition, Body Composition Analysis

Swelling, also known as edema, is a common condition that can cause discomfort and affect daily activities. It can occur in different parts of the body, such as the legs, arms, and face, and can be caused by various factors.

In this blog post, you will get to discover the benefits of exercise and other remedies for how to reduce swelling in feet. However, please note that if you have any other medical conditions, it is important to consult with your doctor if you experience any edema symptoms.

Lady Is Looking for Ways for Reducing Swelling in Feet

1. Exercise Helps in Reducing Swelling in Feet

Prolonged sitting or standing in one area, such as at work, can cause swelling in your feet. To prevent this, try to move around for a few minutes every hour. You can take a walk to the break room, go around the block during lunch, flex your knees and ankles, or take a lap around the office.

Some low-impact exercises that can help reduce swelling include walking, cycling, swimming, and yoga. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise.

High-intensity exercise can lead to the accumulation of pulmonary fluid and result in edema. Therefore, it is important for beginners to consult a healthcare professional if they experience edema symptoms before engaging in high-intensity exercise.

2. Get Compression Socks

Compression socks and stockings are designed to provide the strongest pressure around the ankle, with decreasing pressure as the stocking goes up the leg. They are commonly used to reduce swelling in the legs and improve circulation.

To determine which compression socks are best for your situation, you can consult with the pharmacist at the drugstore.

3. Elevate Your Feet

Elevation can help reduce swollen feet by working with gravity to encourage fluid to flow away from the swollen area and back towards the heart. By raising the swollen part of the body above the level of the heart, you can promote better circulation and decrease the fluid buildup that contributes to swelling.

Holding the swollen part of the body above the level of the heart several times a day can help reduce swelling. Try elevating your feet with cushions and pillows while you sleep. You can also elevate your feet for about 20 minutes several times during the day using a chair.

4. Massage and Cold Therapy

If you experience edema symptoms for the first two weeks, try applying ice to the affected area for up to 20 minutes per hour for the first three days after swelling occurs. This can help reduce inflammation and swelling.

However, seek the help of a health practitioner if your edema symptoms have persisted for more than two weeks.

In addition, gently massaging the swollen area with circular motions using your fingers can promote circulation and encourage excess fluid to move away from the area.

This technique can be particularly effective when combined with other remedies such as compression, elevation, and cold therapy.

It is important to note that while massage can be beneficial, it is important to avoid massaging too vigorously or using too much pressure, as this can actually worsen swelling and cause further discomfort.

5. Diet and Hydration

Maintaining a balanced diet that is low in salt can be beneficial for reducing fluid retention and swelling. This can be achieved by including a

variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, and whole grains in your meals.

Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water can help promote the movement of anti-inflammatory chemicals throughout the body, which can further help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Therefore, it is important to make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to reap these benefits.

How to Monitor Swelling with ECW Ratio in InBody?

The ECW Ratio in the InBody Result Sheet is a measure of the ratio of extracellular water (ECW) to total body water (TBW). ECW is the fluid outside of the cells, while TBW is the total amount of water in the body, including intracellular water (ICW) and ECW.

InBody ECW Ratio

In healthy individuals, the average ratio of ECW to TBW is around 0.380, and the acceptable range is between 0.360 to 0.390. Any value beyond this range may

indicate swelling or excess ECW.

By taking multiple InBody tests, you can establish your normal fluid status and determine any imbalances in the ECW Ratio.

InBody Segmental ECW Ratio

The InBody Result Sheet provides a set of ranges for various measurements, including BMI, PBF, and ECW/TBW. It can be a powerful tool to monitor fluid balance and guide healthcare decisions.

Where can I get InBody test?


Swelling, or edema, can be uncomfortable and impact daily life. While medication and medical procedures can help treat swelling, there are also natural remedies that can alleviate symptoms. Exercise can promote blood flow and reduce swelling, while compression socks, elevation, massage, and cold therapy can also be effective.

Additionally, monitoring the ECW Ratio in InBody Result Sheet can help you identify imbalances that may indicate swelling or excess fluid in which part of your body. By adopting these strategies and consulting a healthcare provider if necessary, you may able to reduce swelling in your feet.

However, if the edema is persistent, it is important to seek medical attention as it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Workout during Ramadan

How to Retain Your Muscle During Ramadan Fasting?

By Body Composition, Body Composition Analysis, Diet, Muscle, Nutrition

Ramadan is a month of fasting observed by Muslims worldwide. During this time, Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn until dusk. Depending on the location, the fasting period can last up to 15 hours.

With such a lengthy fasting period, it can be challenging to maintain muscle mass during Ramadan. However, with a few tips and tricks, it is possible to retain your muscle mass even during this fasting period.

Workout during Ramadan

Plan Your Workouts Wisely

Strengthening exercises are essential to maintain muscle mass during Ramadan. However, it is recommended to decrease the volume and intensity of your workouts during the first week of Ramadan. This allows your body to adapt to the fasting routine and helps prevent injury.

It’s important to note that working out in a fasted state may not be the best option for your body. It can be tough on your body’s homeostasis, especially if you’re already dehydrated. You definitely don’t want to risk passing out in the gym.

When it comes to fitting in workouts during Ramadan, it can be challenging to find the right time that works for you. However, you may try scheduling your workouts between Maghrib (sunset) and Isha (night) prayers, or after Isha prayers at night. Another alternative is to work out right before Sahur in the morning.

Listen to your body and see how it responds to working out at different times of the day.

Protein intake

Keep Track of Your Protein Intake

You must be familiar with the role of protein in your diet, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. During Ramadan, it is essential to keep track of enough protein to maintain muscle mass. Consuming enough protein helps in muscle recovery and prevents muscle loss.

Include protein-rich foods during meals in Sahur and Iftar, such as chicken, beef, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes. It is recommended to consume protein-rich foods during the evening meal and before the pre-dawn meal.

In addition to preserving muscle mass, consuming a high-protein meal n has been shown to reduce hunger. This may help you stay focused throughout the day by reducing your food cravings.

Studies have demonstrated that protein is more filling than carbohydrates or fats. Additionally, protein has a high thermic effect, meaning that the body burns more calories during the digestion and absorption of protein compared to carbohydrates and fats.

Pastry after Ramadan fasting

Don’t Lose Control Of Your Calorie Intake

During the month of Ramadan, it’s important to be mindful of your eating habits. Although fasting for long hours without food and water can be challenging, it’s easy to fall into the trap of overeating during the night.

This is because the Ramadan bazaar is filled with a wide variety of high-calorie foods that are readily available just around the corner. From Murtabak to Ayam Percik, the options are endless and tempting.

To avoid overindulging, try to stick to your pre-Ramadan diet and keep track of your calories as much as possible. This can help you maintain a healthy eating habit and make it easier to return to your routine and diet once Ramadan is over.

What Happens to Your Body During Cyclic Overeating

Hydration after Ramadan fasting

Keep Hydration in Check

During Ramadan, it is crucial to maintain proper hydration levels throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Although you may be tempted to drink a lot of water all at once, it is essential to avoid this, as it can cause bloating and discomfort. Instead, try drinking small amounts of water throughout the night to replenish fluids lost during the day.

In addition to water, consider incorporating hydrating fluids such as coconut water or sports drinks to maintain optimal hydration levels. You can also consider incorporating more fruits and vegetables (foods with high water content) into your diet during the night to keep you hydrated.

Additionally, dehydration can lead to reduced blood flow and muscle weakness, so it is essential to stay hydrated to maintain your physical strength and performance during workouts after “berbuka puasa”.

Muscle changes during Ramadan fasting

Keep An Eye On Your Muscle Mass during Ramadan fasting

Retaining muscle mass is challenging during fasting, so it is important to have a good understanding of the muscle mass you already have. Tracking changes in your muscle mass throughout the month can help you make adjustments to your diet and exercise routine to ensure that you are maintaining your muscle mass. This is where a body composition analysis comes into play.

By analyzing your body composition, you can get a better understanding of your Skeletal Muscle Mass, Percent Body Fat, and other important metrics. Armed with this information, you can make more informed decisions about your diet and exercise routine during Ramadan to stay intact with your gains.

How often should you test body composition?

Start tracking your progress with an InBody machine today and see the difference it can make. Find the nearest location for an InBody test here.


Maintaining muscle mass during Ramadan fasting can be challenging, but it is possible with a few tips and tricks. Consuming enough protein, staying hydrated, and exercising with a flexible routine during the non-fasting hours can help retain muscle mass during this period.

Remember to consult with your doctor before making any dietary or exercise changes during Ramadan if you have any medical condition. With the right approach, you can maintain your muscle mass and stay healthy during Ramadan fasting.

A mother is watching her daughter having meals

5 Ways to Prevent Childhood Obesity: A Parent’s Guide

By BIA, Body Composition, Body Composition Analysis, Children, Health

Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage is essential for a child’s growth and development. In order to prevent childhood obesity, parents and healthcare providers should monitor body fat and educate children on healthy lifestyle choices.

Don’t be worried if your child has more body fat than expected. The good news is that you can help your children maintain a healthy body fat percentage by taking a few simple steps.

A child try to take a strawberry from the table

Healthy food choices to prevent childhood obesity

Food choice is the most important factor determining your child’s health and growth. It’s important for you to help them develop healthy eating habits and limit calorie-rich temptations.

This means avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks. Instead, introduce more nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains into your child’s daily diet.

💡 One of the examples would be keeping a supply of nutritious, ready-to-eat food at home.

These include a variety of fruits that can be consumed raw, like apples, grapes, and bananas.

You could include more dairy products, such as low-fat or flavor-infused milk, cheese, yoghurt, whole-grain snacks, or low-sugar biscuits. Remind your children to pick these foods if they are hungry and in a hurry.

A mother is watching her daughter having meals

Monitor the meal frequency and portion size

Start by encouraging regular meal times and limiting snacking between meals. You’re helping to regulate their appetite and making sure they’re getting the right amount of nutrients for optimal growth and development.

And don’t rush through meals; encourage your child to eat slowly; this way they can learn to recognize when they’re full and prevent overeating.

You should be conscious of the portion sizes you serve your children. To make sure your child eats enough food throughout the day, you may schedule 3 main meals and 2 snacks. If you plan your child’s meals thoughtfully, you can address both the budget and the nutrients needed at the same time.

To ensure that the menu you planned is suitable, you may refer to the checklist below:

  • Is your child eating a variety of foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day?
  • Does he consume foods from all food groups?
  • Does he drink milk and plain water on a daily basis?
  • Do you make an effort to prepare meals using healthy cooking methods such as steaming, baking, or roasting on a daily basis?
  • Is the food selection being repeated too frequently? For instance, fried chicken 5 times per week.
  • Is the meal you made high in nutritional value/nutrient density?

Tips to prepare a healthy menu for your children

Parent having outdoor activities with child to prevent childhood obesity

Get your kids to be more active

Parents should also try to limit the amount of screen time that their children are getting, as excessive screen time has been linked to an increased risk of obesity in children.

Instead of nagging your kids to stop spending too much time on their phones or iPads, you should suggest an engaging activity to do together as a substitute for playing games on the phone.

Here are some helpful exercise ideas for you and your kids:

  • Take family walks or play active games together to incorporate physical activity into your family’s daily routine.
  • You could get your kids some new sports equipment that promotes physical activity.
  • Take the kids to places where they can be active, like public parks, community football fields, or basketball courts.

How much physical activity do children need?

A child is sleeping

Make sure your child gets enough sleep

A study that followed nearly 1,000 children from birth to age 15 discovered that earlier bedtimes can have a long-term impact. The researchers discovered that preschoolers who went to bed before 8 p.m. had half the risk of obesity as those who went to bed after 9 p.m.

Given that inadequate sleep is closely related to childhood obesity, it’s important to establish a regular sleep routine with your children.

Stick to the routine as much as possible to ensure your kid gets adequate sleep. This should include a consistent bedtime routine, such as setting a bedtime and wake-up time.

The most important thing is that before they go to sleep, your kids aren’t kept up by things like their favorite iPad movies. To achieve optimal sleeping quality, you are responsible for creating a comfortable and dark sleeping environment for them.

Keeping soda away before bedtime can also be beneficial. The extra sugar and caffeine from soda may also play a factor in poor sleep quality.

How much sleep should your children get?

Keep ‘Percent Body Fat’ on track

Your children’s body weight is increasing most likely from a combination of bone growth, lean muscle development, and fat accumulation.

However, it can be challenging to tell if your kids are gaining the necessary amount of weight. Weight gain could sometimes be a result of higher body fat levels due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Check the impact of high body fat on your child’s growth.

💡 Most parents may believe that as long as their children do not appear to be overweight, everything is fine. However, there may be unseen risks arising in your child that are not visible to the naked eye.

This is how InBody reveals the “hidden” body fat of a child with a normal BMI.

Childhood Obesity with Normal BMI

The ideal objective should be to concentrate on bone and muscle growth rather than excess body fat. By assessing Percent Body Fat (PBF) on a regular basis with the InBody device, you will be able to determine whether your child’s lifestyle is healthy while under your care.

Get your child an InBody test now.


Parents are the biggest influence in children’s lives. They look up to you and tend to follow your lifestyle as part of their learning process.

However, simply telling them to live a healthy lifestyle may not be enough. To truly instill healthy habits in your children, you must set a good example as a parent.

Monitoring your child’s body fat and growth consistently to prevent childhood obesity will undoubtedly require some effort.

However, if you discover that your child’s body does not respond well to the effort you put in for their lifestyle changes, a consultation with your family doctor or a pediatrician will definitely be necessary. By doing so, you’ll be able to better comprehend the risks that come with childhood obesity and take measures to prevent them.









An obese child is having french fries

Childhood Obesity: Impacts on your child’s growth

By BIA, Blog, Body Composition, Body Composition Analysis, Fat mass, Nutrition


Body fat monitoring is critical for your child’s health, particularly in preventing childhood obesity. Excess body fat can lead to negative health impacts such as weakened immunity, chronic disease, and poor learning capacity. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is one of the methods suggested to measure children’s body fat and evaluate their overall health effectively.

Understand the role of body fat in your child’s growth

You may already be aware that excessive body fat has a number of harmful effects that are being discovered by researchers. Not to mention the flood of awareness about childhood obesity posts in your social media newsfeed.

To most people, body fat may sound incredibly terrifying. But, in reality, body fat is a necessary part of your child’s body that provides energy, supports brain development, and aids in the absorption of vital nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K).

Children height and growth

Nevertheless, higher body fat may have an adverse impact on child growth. According to a study, obesity and excess weight have different effects on boys and girls when it comes to the onset of puberty. It can speed up puberty in girls while delaying it in boys.

What does it mean if puberty happens sooner?

Researchers discovered that once puberty is over, growth stops. These children stop growing sooner because early-onset puberty ends earlier than usual puberty. The final findings show that children who reach puberty earlier have a shorter overall adult height.

An obese child is having french fries

Causes of childhood obesity

Despite the fact that parents’ genetic and hormonal factors can play a role in childhood obesity, study show that the diet provided to your child has a significant impact on their healthy growth.

Your child requires a certain number of calories for growth and development. When they eat more calories than they burn, their bodies store the excess calories as fat.

A poor diet high in fat or sugar and low in nutrients can cause children to gain body fat quickly. Fast food, candy, and soft drinks are all common foods that contribute to the problems.

Lack of exercise is another factor in childhood obesity. When people of all ages are less active, they tend to gain weight. Abnormally long screen time is a major potential barrier to your child being active.

Drawing of childhood obesity

Long-term effects of childhood obesity

You may already be aware that excessive body fat has a number of harmful effects that are being discovered by researchers.

A higher body weight gained during childhood usually indicates a higher accumulation of body fat over time. According to WHO and research, childhood obesity may have various negative impact to your child:

  • breathing difficulties
  • increased risk of fractures
  • hypertension
  • heart disease
  • insulin resistance
  • poor learning capacity
  • lower emotional well-being

Furthermore, if childhood obesity is not addressed at an early stage. This may lead to long-term consequences in their adulthood, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Examine the best ways to protect your child from childhood obesity.

Measuring body fat in your child

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most common tool to check whether your child is overweight. Healthcare professionals frequently use BMI-for-age growth charts from the CDC or WHO to monitor children ‘s growth. A BMI above the recommended range could indicate excessive body fat.

However, BMI does not directly measure body fat. It is a calculation based on weight and height. In other words, it does not take into account factors such as muscle mass, water weight, and bone density changes in your child.

For example, a child who has a normal BMI may still have a high body fat percentage. This is why it is important to use other methods to measure body fat. This could give you a more accurate picture of your child’s health.

There are many ways to test your child’s body fat to determine if it is within the normal range.

InBody devices are one of the methods for measuring your child’s body fat effectively. The technique named Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is implemented in InBody devices.

As BIA technology measures body fat in a quick, painless, and non-invasive manner, it is a safe and comfortable option for children. All your kids have to do is stand on the machine and hold the handles for less than a minute.

It can give you more insight into your child’s weight by providing their body composition information, including their body water, muscle mass, and body fat percentage. This information is useful to assess your child’s growth and health over time.

Following a comprehensive test with InBody, a complete result sheet will be printed out on which you can observe your kid’s health condition.

Child's Muscle-Fat AnalysisAccording to the image above, which is part of the sample printed result sheet, this normal weight child has a higher Body Fat Mass than the normal range according to the child’s gender and height.

It would be helpful if your family doctors or other healthcare professionals could assist you in interpreting the results. This information could help you learn more about your child’s health.

More importantly, you’ll be able to have a more productive discussion and make an informed decision about what you can do to prevent childhood obesity.

Start to monitor your child’s body composition at the selected InBody locations!












Are protein bars good for fat loss?

By Body Composition, Body Composition Analysis, Diet, Muscle, Nutrition

Protein bars are popular because they’re convenient, and they make it easy to get your protein fix without having to cook or even think about it.

But are they actually good for you? Are they good for fat loss? 

protein bars on the table

What’s inside protein bars?

Protein bars are often marketed as a healthy snack option for people who want to lose weight or maintain their weight because they contain fewer calories than regular candy bars or other sweet treats.

Most protein bars contain 150-400 calories and 10-20 grammes of protein per serving, though some contain closer to 30 grammes of protein per serving.

The protein source of the could be varies. Some of them could come from dairy products like yoghurt, whey, and milk; some of them could be mostly plant-based products like soybeans and nuts.

This convenient feature of high-protein foods has demonstrated why it has become a gym rat favourite, as it helps them save time while ensuring adequate protein intake per day.

A women is showing her fat loss result

Are protein bars good for fat loss?

Eating fewer calories than your body uses and needs in a day is the main key to fat loss.

Protein bars can be beneficial for fat loss when used properly as a meal replacement to reduce your calorie intake. One example of calorie reduction is replacing a 650-calorie burger set meal with a 200-calorie protein bar.

However, replacing only one of your meals throughout the day is generally recommended. Replacing more than one meal may result in an excessively low calorie diet, which may result in a weight loss rebound effect.

According to a study, people who follow a low-calorie diet may experience short-term weight loss benefits, but most of them regained fat mass, particularly in the visceral area. To prevent weight loss rebound and detrimental health effect, think twice before overly restricting your calories.

In addition, some of the protein bars contain a lot of sugar and use unhealthy sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which has been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases if consumed on a regular basis.

By reading the ingredient list carefully, you would be able to determine how the protein bars could fit into your fat loss diet.

A man is eating protein bars after a workout

Are protein bars the best source of protein?

Protein bars aren’t the only way to increase your protein intake. To meet your protein needs and promote a healthy lifestyle, it is a good idea to include whole foods that are high in protein in your meals and snacks.

Natural food with high protein source


World Health Organization (WHO) establishes 0.83 g of protein per kg of body weight per day as the Safe Level of Protein (SLP), which is expected to meet the protein needs of 97.5 percent of the world’s healthy adult population.

Protein requirement for each population

However, protein requirements may be higher for pregnant women, body builders, and the elderly. You may consult a physician and a clinical dietitian to learn more about how much protein you need based on your current health.

Check your improvement over time

However, it is still preferable to monitor your body fat and muscle changes on a regular basis to determine whether your current diet and lifestyle are effective enough. You can use the map we created with our incredible partners to find the nearest InBody location and check your body health improvement on a regular basis.

Find your nearest test centre


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