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Result Interpretation

Body Water Result Sheet

What does your InBody Result Sheet mean? Hover over different parts of the InBody Result Sheet to get a brief overview of what each body composition output means.

Let’s check what it means

The InBody Body Water Result Sheet presents your body water measurements in a clear, easy-to-read format, making it simple to understand your results.

Below, you will find a concise breakdown of each section of the Result Sheet. You’ll learn what each measurement means, why it matters, and how it can help you gain a nuanced understanding of fluid distribution.

* The information provided is to be used for educational/informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Only certified medical & health professionals may diagnose patients and provide such advice.

Our Total Body Water divided by two compartments which are Intracellular Water and Extracellular Water. Intracellular Water refers to the water inside the cells, and Extracellular Water refers to the water outside the cells.
The Extracellular Water (ECW) Ratio indicates the balance of body water by evaluating the ratio between Extracellular Water and Total Body Water. A well-balanced ratio of Intracellular and Extracellular Water will result in an ECW Ratio within the normal range. If your body water falls out of this balance, it may indicate changes in your health and body composition.
Segmental Body Water Analysis helps understand water balance by assessing water distribution in different body segments. It comprises both Intracellular and Extracellular Water. Higher segmental body water may indicate either high muscle mass or water retention.
The Segmental ECW Ratio is displayed in a graph, enabling easy determination of the balance between ICW and ECW. This analysis helps identify body segments that may experience circulation issues due to health conditions, rehabilitation (injury), or peripheral edema.
Body Water History provides the changes in Weight, Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, ECW Ratio. Take the test periodically to monitor your progress.
Body composition is a method of describing what the body is made of. It offers quantitative values and normal ranges for four core body components: Body Water, Protein, Minerals, and Body Fat.
Muscle-Fat Analysis offers quantitative values and normal ranges for Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Soft Lean Mass and Body Fat Mass.
Phase Angle indicates the health of the cell membrane. Enhanced structural integrity and functionality of the cellular membrane contribute to an increased Phase Angle. On the other hand, disruptions to the cellular membrane can lead to a decrease in the Phase Angle.
Segmental Phase Angle indicates the Phase Angle value of each part of the body, representing the level of structural integrity and function of the cell membrane.
Water Control shows the water level to be controlled based on the ECW ratio, that is set differently according to the presence or absence of complications.
BIVA helps assess body composition by analyzing the relationship between resistance (R) and reactance (Xc). It is particularly useful for evaluating hydration status, lean body mass, and overall body cell mass, while comparing the subject’s measurement results with reference values from the population.

The Professional’s Guide to the
InBody Result Sheet

Learn how to read, understand, and use the InBody Result Sheet to maximize
your business and validate your programs.


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