

How often should you test body composition?

By BIA, Blog, Body Composition, Fat mass, Nutrition, Press

When it comes to weight loss, most people often use a weighing scale to track their progress. However, for better progress tracking, you need to test body composition rather than just weight loss monitoring.

Let’s say you’ve just started a new workout routine recently. Every morning, you eagerly weigh yourself to monitor your progress. Unfortunately, the static number shown on the scale could be truly upsetting.

An upset man is holding a weighing scale.

Without a doubt, weight measurements are used frequently in to track weigh loss. However, even though the number on the scale has remained the same, you might not be aware that your body has undergone some changes.

The scale counts everything, including your bones, muscles, fat, and every sip of water and food you consume. In other words, weighing scales cannot differentiate what you’re gaining (which might just be water) or losing (which might be muscle or fat).

Here’s where the body composition measurement comes in. Simply put, your body’s composition is the sum of its amounts of body fat, muscle, bone, and water. Body composition analysis determines your body’s proportions of fat mass and lean mass by looking beyond your weight and the traditional Body Mass Index (BMI).

InBody used in body composition test

How to test your body composition?

There are many ways to test your body compositionSome are quick and simple but only offer basic information. Some tests need to be administered by a qualified technician and are time-consuming and expensive.

InBody devices measure your body composition using a technique known as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), which divides your weight into different components such as lean body mass, fat mass, body water and minerals to assess health and nutrition status.

InBody body composition test for company employees

How often should you test the body composition?

When deciding how often to test your body composition, take into account your goal, timeframe, and whether you are currently following to a new wellness or dietary program. 

A study observed body fat mass reductions of up to 2.5kg for 48 obese adults under a 2-week nutrition program with nutrition drink supplementation in conjunction with body composition monitoring using InBody.

Therefore, if you’re actively engaging in a new lifestyle change, it’s recommended that you take the InBody test every two to three weeks. Meanwhile, if you have been actively involved in a wellness or fitness program, you may notice a faster change within one to two weeks. Dedicated effort and precisely measured results can often inspire you to persevere to reach your fitness goal. If your fitness goal timeframe is longer, you may consider taking the test less frequently.

Meanwhile, it is recommended that you only use one measurement method and same machine for your body composition test on your fitness journey. You might be able to obtain the results more precisely in this mannerThis is because various types of body composition test machines may use varied measurement techniques.

Set your fitness goal

Set your goal using InBody now!

It’s important to know how long it will take your body to make the desired changes after beginning a new fitness and nutrition plan. The InBody test could be an effective way to keep track of changes in your body composition. With the right information, you can set realistic goals for your muscle gain and fat loss that can be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.

Guidance to set your fat loss goal with InBody (1)

Does horror movies help you to lose body fat?

Does horror movies help you to lose body fat?

By Press

It’s Halloween, and everyone is having a good time at their parties, gatherings, and, of course, movie night. Horror movies are typically the best option for a frightful night with your pals. When you’re still feeling guilty about the junk food you ate at the party, your buddies just remind you that it’s okay. He had heard that studies had already shown that watching horror movies can help in burning calories and lose body fat, which will eventually burn off the junk food you ate.

Is it watching horror movies can lose body fat?

Horror movie to lose body fatLet us go back to the research that your friend mentioned before. Indeed, there is a study that went viral, informing the public that watching horror movies increases calorie consumption and, even better, lowers the risk of obesity.

The study also discovered that movie jump scares are the best calorie-burners since they elevate heart rates. But, as much as we hate to break it to you, there are some things you should be aware of.

The evidence in this study is insufficient because it was conducted on a relatively small sample size (only 10 persons) and the research has not yet been peer-reviewed. In other words, the study’s findings weren’t taken seriously.

Do you burn calories from watching horror movie? 

The terrifying scenes in horror films may elevate your heart rate and cause you to burn slightly more calories than if you sat quietly. The calories burn also greatly depends on your own metabolism and body composition.

However, it cannot compensate for the amount of the calories you took from caramel glazed popcorn, boxes of pizza, and a large cup of sweetened cola. 

Is there any alternative for a sweet tooth to lose body fat?

It wasn’t a bad idea to snack because it can supplement your diet with extra vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. What matters most is your food choice. Instead of eating high-calorie foods, some healthy snacking options such as nuts, yoghurt, kale chips and fruits are recommended.

Here are some useful tips to help us build a snacking habit that is beneficial to lose body fat while watching your favorite horror movie.

Snack to lose body fat

Indulgence once in a blue moon is totally alright to enjoy with your buddies. This is due to the fact that fat is never gained overnight, as it takes time to shed.

Nevertheless, in order to ensure that your attempts to lose fat won’t be in vain, you still need to be mindful about the your food portion and choice.

However, it is still better to check your body fat on a regular basis to allow you to understand whether your current diet is sustainable and effective enough to reduce body fat percentage.

You can use the map we made with our incredible partners to find the nearest InBody location and routinely check your body fat there.

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Losing visceral fat is important for diabetics

Lose visceral fat – Why is losing visceral fat important for diabetics?

By Blog, Diabetes, Fat mass, Press

It’s World Diabetes Day on November 14. Speaking of diabetes, people frequently assume that the only treatment for diabetics is medication. It is frequently overlooked how important it is for diabetics to adopt a lifestyle dedicated to lose visceral fat to improve blood glucose control.

Only overweight individuals develop diabetes?

Diabetes patients who are normal weight or underweight should also be given attention when it comes to losing body fat, rather than just diabetics who are obese.

According to a research article published, the researchers discovered that the visceral fat cell sizes of lean diabetics were larger, which is related to the development of diabetes.

What is visceral fat?

There are two types of body fat in our body – subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is what you feel when you poke your stomach because it is soft and close to the skin. However, visceral fat cannot be felt because it surrounds your organs beneath your abdominal wall.

Visceral fat, commonly known as belly fat, is extremely dangerous in large amounts and has been linked to a number of health complications, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and others.

How is visceral fat related to diabetes?

Having a lot of visceral fat is associated to insulin resistance. According to the findings, visceral fat secretes retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), which has been shown to cause insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance occurs when your body cells in the muscles, fat, and liver do not respond well to insulin in order to absorb glucose from the blood. The pancreas continues to produce insulin in an attempt to get cells to respond.

When the pancreas eventually can’t keep up, blood sugar levels keep rising, which can cause type 2 diabetes and glucose intolerance. 

How can you check if you have a lot of visceral fat?

 Here are three options:

  1. Waist measurement

Checking your waist circumference is a convenient tool that can be done by using cutoff points for Asians (90 cm for men and 80 cm for women). However, measuring with a tape measure along the fat loss progress may not be consistent and may underestimate your visceral fat loss.

  1. Computed tomography (CT) scan

A computed tomography (CT) scan allows for the accurate analysis of subcutaneous and visceral fat separately. However, this requires access to a facility that has a unit, and a test can be costly. On top of that, you might need to be exposed to radiation.

  1. Professional Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

A medical BIA test is an excellent alternative to a CT scan. This test calculate your body fat percentage, which includes visceral fat, by measuring the resistance of an electric current as it moves through your body. 

This method would allow you to understand your visceral fat in a noninvasive, low-cost, and radiation-free manner. An InBody test, one of the professional BIA tests, can help you understand your visceral fat and take the first step toward changing your lifestyle for the better.

Want to know how to check visceral fat on the InBody result sheet?

Download the free interpretation poster right away.

How to lose visceral fat as a diabetics?

According to the study, a combination of diet and exercise can result in a 12.8% reduction in visceral fat and a 16% decrease in fasting glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It also matters what kind of exercise is most effective to lose visceral fat and improve diabetes control.

Furthermore, take your medication as prescribed by your doctor and monitor your blood glucose levels and visceral fat on a regular basis. If you learn that reducing visceral fat is beneficial to your blood glucose condition as a diabetic, this may keep you motivated to lead a healthier life.

Can tea help with fat loss?

Can tea help with fat-burning?

By Press

Tea is a beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries in various countries and cultures around the world. This flavorful beverage had been promoted for its various health benefits, including its fat-burning effect.


Can tea help with fat loss?

Is this a myth or a real magical remedy that can help us lose fat?

This exciting fat-burning effects had been shown through a research to occur in humans. In this study, 30 Taiwaneses showed fat loss of 0.82 kg after 6 weeks of drinking catechin-rich green tea with inulin. Surprisingly, the fat mass loss sustained even they stopped the consumption for two weeks.

What is the mysterious health effect ingredient in your tea cup? 

Tea’s main health-promoting substance are polyphenols, specifically catechins and epicatechins. According to laboratory and animal studies, these molecules have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These health benefits could even protect you from increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease according to the large group studies conducted by Harvard University.

How tea helps in fat-burning? 

So, what exactly is fat-burning? Does it mean to literally burn your fat cells with fire? That appears to be quite intimidating. Instead, fat-burning refers to the process of breaking down your body fat in order to use the energy released by your fat cells. 


At this point, the tea’s caffeine kicks in. Your evening tea can actually stimulate lipolysis, or fat-burning. The caffeine in the tea could favors the breakdown of the fat cells in our bodies, which can then be used as energy. 

Meanwhile, the process to burn the fat requires energy too and the process of this burning effect are known as metabolism. This metabolism could be in a higher or lower rate depending on our diet, genes and body composition.

In fact, studies have demonstrated that this metabolism-stimulating effect occurs in people. In this study, caffeine in green tea stimulates metabolism to burn fat with 150 mg caffeine/600 mg catechins , or roughly 3 cups of tea, in a dose-dependent manner. 

Does the tea in my “boba” have a similar fat-burning effect? 

The majority of boba teas contain green tea or other types of tea extract, but they also commonly contain excessive amounts of sweetener syrup and creamer, which could negate the health benefits of the tea.  

Positive energy balance—the state in which we consume more calories than we need—is one of the key factors in why we gain body fat. The extra calories consequently will be stored as body fat in our bodies rather than being used as daily energy. 

When we drink boba tea, the high calorie beverage with a high sugar level contributes to a positive calorie energy balance, which outweighs the potential health effects of tea. 

A cup of oolong tea has a few calories on its own, but the alarmingly high sugar content of “boba” could certainly negate the tea’s ability to boost metabolism. 

To get the desired health benefits, how many cups of tea should I consume? 

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a daily caffeine intake of up to 400 mg for healthy adults in order to be considered safe for consumption. However, it is advised that women who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or who are nursing should keep their daily caffeine intake to under 200 mg. This is a safe dosage that won’t harm the growing baby or the developing foetus in any way. Moreover, 100 mg of caffeine per day is the safest dose for teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18.

As the advantages of drinking tea are now clear to you. So remember to have 2-3 cup of green tea the following morning if you want to reduce your body fat, and perhaps even improve tomorrow’s gym session. 

How does InBody 970 assess if I’m burning body fat effectively?

It’s fascinating to learn and understand how consuming tea might aid in fat-burning. However, in order to comprehend how much fat is effectively lowered by consuming tea, you need an exact assessment to determine how much fat has been lost. The InBody device is one of the most effective body fat assessment tools for precisely understanding your fat loss.

Based on global InBody Big Data, InBody 970 compares your body fat loss evaluation by age. With this comprehensive analysis, you will be able to compare your fat loss effectiveness to that of younger adults and people your age. This high-end InBody 970 with 3MHz technology also ensures measurement stability, which is beneficial in obtaining sensitive changes in your body composition. Understanding your fat loss with InBody accurately is critical to helping you stay motivated in your fat loss journey. Get your body fat checked today by visiting the nearest InBody970 location listed in the link below!

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How will walking benefit us?

By Press

What’s your step goal?

If you had asked someone about 10 years ago, you might have gotten a blank stare.

But with the explosion in popularity of fitness trackers and step counters, it is easy to step count. Step counting has become so popular that there is even an unofficial benchmark of 10,000 steps per day. Some fitness trackers have even called 10,000 daily steps the “magical number.”

While there’s no doubt it’s a great idea to increase your daily activity, the question remains: does walking 10,000 steps help lose weight? Let’s find out what science says.

Do I need to reach a goal of 10,000 steps a day to lose weight?

steps taken in a day

Some claim that individuals can lose a pound of fat a week just by taking 10,000 steps a day because of the potential to burn 3,500 calories from walking. As a general rule of thumb, a pound of fat contains around 3,500 calories. If you create an average caloric deficit of 500 calories over 7 days, that’s equal to 3,500 calories—good for a pound of weight loss per week.

Unfortunately, that calculation of ‘10,000 steps a day = 3,500 calories burned a week’ uses a specific body type, so this may not apply to you.

To understand why, let’s break this claim down.

How many calories do you burn from 10,000 steps?

Any estimation of how many calories you burn from an exercise like walking or running depends on how heavy you are. On average, heavier people use more energy to move than lighter people. Most rough estimates revolve around 100 calories burned per mile for a 180-pound person.

How many miles are 10,000 steps? On average, 10,000 steps are going to come out to be roughly 5 miles. So assuming you weigh 80kg pounds, then yes, by simple mathematics, 100 calories x 5 miles equals 500 calories. Over a week, that becomes 3,500 calories.

But if you are lighter or heavier, you will burn less/more calories while taking the same number of steps or walking the same distance.

If you were 55kg, in that same mile you would only burn 60 calories. Calculate that over a week and that only becomes 2,100 calories, meaning that you are 1,400 calories short of reaching that 3,500 calorie goal.

How Far is 10,000 Steps: Walking Speed and Distance

Before you decide to put in the distance and time, do not forget about speed. Even if you are at that 180-pound range, the calories you burn from walking depend on the intensity, or speed, of your walk. The average walking speed is about 3 miles per hour and according to the Mayo Clinic, the number of calories you’ll burn depends on your walking speed.

For a 180-pound person, a leisurely 30-minute walk at 2 mph yields a burn of 102 calories, but walk at a more moderate intensity (3.5 mph) in the same 30-minute walk and the calorie burn increases by 54% to 157 calories.

Why? It’s simple—the faster the pace, the greater your heart rate, and the more calories you can burn covering the same distance. The sources that suggest you can average a weight loss of a pound a week from walking typically assume you walk at the pace necessary to cover the estimated 5-mile distance.

If you deviate from either of the above conditions, your results may differ.

But even if you reach 10,000 steps, all of that effort can almost entirely be irrelevant if you aren’t careful—weight loss from walking largely assumes your caloric intake stays stable.

You Can’t Walk Away From Your Diet

There’s no doubt that walking leads to more calories burned throughout the day. However, without understanding your net caloric balance, walking 10,000 steps, 15,000 steps, or even 20,000 steps a day might not be enough to cause any meaningful fat loss or improvements in body composition.

To achieve fat loss, you need to burn more calories than you get from your food. That’s called a caloric deficit.

For example, let’s say that you need 1,800 calories a day to maintain your current body weight, but you have a daily caloric intake of 2,300. Assuming your 10,000 steps equal 500 calories burned (which, as shown above, is far from guaranteed), you’d only be bringing yourself to a net caloric balance of zero, meaning the 10,000 steps you are taking are only helping you maintain your current weight, not lose the weight.

To better explain, let’s look at two examples.

Example 1: No Fat Loss with Caloric Balance

For our 180-pound person, they burn 1,800 calories naturally (a.k.a. their metabolism) throughout the day. Add 500 calories from the 10,000 steps walked, and we are now at 2,300 total calories burned.

Calories Naturally Burned (1,800) + Calories Burned from 10,000 steps (500) = 2,300 Total Calories Burned (TCB)

Now imagine that person has a caloric intake (food consumed) of 2,300.

2,300 (Total Calories Burned) – 2,300 (Caloric Intake) = 0 (Caloric Balance)

Caloric Balance means no weight change (and no fat loss).

Example 2: Fat Loss with Caloric Deficit

Now, imagine if you kept careful watch of your diet and kept your caloric intake at 1,800 a day.

2,300 (Total Calories Burned) – 1,800 (Caloric Intake) = 500 (Caloric Deficit)

With a caloric deficit by walking 10,000 steps and eating less, that individual can now burn fat.

If you kept that up for 7 days, theoretically, you could expect a weight loss of a pound of fat in a week, but there would be no way to know if you can expect results like this without getting an estimate of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

You can read up on how to learn what your BMR is and how to use it to get yourself into a caloric balance.

Every Journey Begins With A First Step – Make It Count!

There’s no question that there are enormous health benefits to increasing your activity level through moderate exercises like walking, even if they don’t lead to weight loss. A 2010 study has shown that walking more has many positive health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, cholesterol level, fitness ability, and many other variables that contribute towards healthy living.

Researchers found that walking every day for 30 minutes can lower the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

It’s safe to say that almost everyone reading this article would likely benefit from increasing physical activity and adopting a healthy habit like a daily brisk walk. It is a great way to reach the recommended 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week.

But if weight loss is your mission, you must understand how weight loss occurs so you can set goals to help you achieve it, and that includes putting goals like walking 10,000 steps a day into context.

Weight loss occurs when you’re in a caloric deficit. If your calories in/out are in balance, you can’t expect much change. You’ve got to get out of balance for change to happen, and the easiest way to do that is by increasing physical activity and decreasing your caloric intake.

Setting and achieving a daily goal like 10,000 steps can be a great way to increase your activity level, create a healthy lifestyle, and improve your overall health. You can add walking as a warm-up before a strength training workout, or it can be a workout by itself.

But before you set any fitness goal like walking 10,000 steps, take a minute to understand what you’re embarking on.

Remember the old Chinese proverb, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Make sure each step, from the first to the 10,000th to the 100,000th, has a purpose”.

What is Sarcopenia? Aging in Motion

By Press

As we age, our body composition begins to shift, physical activity tends to decrease, and this leads to a change in our body composition. Coupled with a change in diet (or a change in our nutrition status as a result of a medical condition), muscle mass begins to decline, and we become susceptible to accidental injuries, chronic joint pain and decreased tolerance to surgery.

A recent study discovered that the prevalence of sarcopenia among Malaysians aged 60 to 70 years and 80 years and older ranged from 5% to 13% and 11% to 50%, respectively. Once you hit 80 years old, that number increases to 11-50%.

Why do we care? Because loss of muscle leads to decreased functional capacity in adults and is associated with numerous amounts of health risks and a decrease in quality of life decreases.

Let’s take a closer look at why being aware of the risk of sarcopenia is so important, and how you can combat it.


What does Sarcopenia even mean?

Sarcopenia refers to a clinically significant loss of muscle mass and strength resulting from “normal aging”. It is not solely the result of disease, but rather, is part of the natural aging process. This is not to be confused with cachexia, which describes the uncontrolled loss of muscle mass and/or body fat mass. While cachexia is most often thought of as a case of malnutrition due to health conditions such as cancer, sarcopenia focuses on changes in nutrition and physical activity that causes a progressive loss of muscle mass. This is important because sarcopenic individuals can maintain their fat mass, which can also lead to a “skinny fat” body composition. The condition of sarcopenic obesity has greater health consequences, as we will describe later.

Historically, scientists and doctors believed that this muscle loss and its resulting consequences (balance issues, change in walking performance and a decreased ability to perform activities of daily living) were inevitable, but experts agree if we stay on top of our activity and body composition, we might just be able to fight this slow loss of muscle mass and strength.

It’s no secret that as we age, not only do we tend to gain more fat, but we also begin to lose muscle mass.

Studies have shown that older adults between the ages of 60-69 years old have 14 and 13 pounds less lean body mass respectively than men and women 20-29 years old, despite being more than 8 to 12 pounds heavier.

So what’s going on?


What causes sarcopenia?

To reiterate, sarcopenia is thought to be part of the normal aging process but the process is more complex than that.

Causes seem to be multifactorial and include age, inadequate nutrition (such as decreased protein intake), hormonal changes, increases in pro-inflammatory proteins (proteins that our body makes, not the ones that we eat), decreased physical activity, vascular (circulatory) diseases, etc.

Let’s break this down further.

While we do know that sarcopenia is often related to aging, we also know that there are many other factors that contribute to the progressive muscle loss that characterizes sarcopenia. Some of these factors are not directly related to our diet but may exacerbate the muscle loss or cause it to progress more quickly.


One study found that the prevalence of sarcopenia increased from 4% of men and 3% of women aged 70-75 years old to 16% of men and 13% of women age 85 and older. This may be related to the changes in activity, so we are still learning if we are able to prevent this “aging-related” muscle loss.

Hormonal changes

Hormones are chemicals produced by the endocrine system that help control major bodily function. As we age, hormone production changes which play a huge part in the aging process, as they are involved in the development of muscle mass and strength.

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone but affects the health of both men women. The production of this hormone plays a central role in the risk of sarcopenia. Testosterone helps to increase muscle gain and also activates satellite cells, which support increased function. When testosterone begins to decline with age, we not only get a decrease in protein synthesis but also decreasing ability to produce  satellite precursor cells which are essential for muscle repair.

Diminished intake of protein and creatine

Many seniors are at risk of malnutrition because a variety of external factors that affect their ability maintain good nutrition. Malnutrition is defined as a state of lack of uptake or intake of nutrition which can affect body composition negatively. These complications affect not only our diet/exercise but how our body responds to our diet and exercise.

An important nutrient that elderly people may not be getting enough of is protein. Trouble chewing, high food costs, are trouble cooking are all factors that limit elderly people access to protein. Inadequate protein intake can progress sarcopenia.

That because protein requirements for the elderly population may even be higher than a younger population. This is due to age-related changes in the metabolism of protein, including a decreased response to protein intake. This means that an older population needs to consume more protein to get the same anabolic effect.

Decreased physical activity

Physical inactivity is one of the primary factors in the progression of sarcopenia. Regular resistance exercise can help to maintain muscle mass and also build muscular strength. Elderly people tend to be more sedentary than younger populations which can exacerbate the effects of sarcopenia.

Decrease in motor neurons

Aging is accompanied by a loss of motor neurons due to cell death, which leads to a parallel decrease in muscle fiber number and size. This decrease in muscle fibers leads to impaired performance, a reduction in the functional capacity and a decreased ability to perform everyday tasks.

Increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines

Poor diet and exercise are also known to promote the storage of visceral fat. This type of fat tissue produces proinflammatory cytokines which can accelerate muscle breakdown and thus, worsen risk. Obesity and muscle weakness are both associated with high levels of these pro-inflammatory cytokines. Central obesity, made worse by decreased muscle mass seems to play a role in the progression of sarcopenia.

Disease-related malnutrition

Disease-related malnutrition is different than the previously related malnutrition because this type of malnutrition is directly triggered by sickness or illness.

When an individual suffers from a health-related disease or is provided long-term hospital care increases their risk of malnutrition. A few of the conditions are provided here as an example.

Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases such as Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) tend to have onset during middle age, but the elderly population is most negatively affected. Elderly patients with these conditions undergo significantly greater wasting than those who are younger.

A decline in insulin-like growth factor or the development of insulin resistance also seems to accelerate the development of sarcopenia. Thus, both common health conditions such as diabetes and more severe conditions such as heart failure all contribute to larger losses in muscle.

What does this all mean?

While some of these changes that occur within the body are expected with older age, the importance of proper diet and physical activity cannot be underscored enough; the better you treat your body, the more likely you are to prevent progressive muscle loss. Additionally, a healthy diet can prevent the storage of harmful fat mass, which may increase health risks.


Sarcopenic Obesity

You may not have heard the term sarcopenic obese, but you’ve likely heard the term skinny fat ”. A person who is “skinny fat” may be a normal weight but has a metabolic composition similar to someone who is overweight or obese.

A person who is “skinny fat” has lost muscle mass and gained or maintained fat mass. This can be the result of an improper diet coupled with physical inactivity.

Because sarcopenia is most commonly the result of improper diet/exercise, a person of any age can be sarcopenic obese, especially if they neglect their nutrition and exercise. This is why it’s so important to focus on body composition and not just weight.

How do you know if you’re sarcopenic? You’ll want to determine your body composition using a medical body composition analyzer and keep an eye on how it changes over time. If you find that your lean body mass is decreasing while your fat mass is increasing, you may be experiencing increasing your risk for sarcopenia or sarcopenic obesity.

How can you fight Sarcopenia?

While there is currently no cure for sarcopenia, there are multiple things you can do to ensure to preserve muscle. Similar to wearing sunscreen, it’s important to take these preventative measures. If you are already experiencing muscle breakdown, these factors might help delay its progression.

1) Strength training

While we know it is important to exercise for your physical health, it is important to begin strength training( such as resistance training, bodyweight exercises, etc) at a young age to keep muscle mass high and decrease the likelihood that muscle will begin to break down prematurely

Resistance training has been shown to be effective at preventing or delaying sarcopenia, even in a very elderly population. Research has shown that resistance training elicits muscle hypertrophy as well as changes in neuromuscular function. These changes in muscle mass and nervous system function lead to an improved ability to perform those functional activities that may become more difficult with older age. If you are worried that your body is too old to cope with resistance training, remember that there is no age limit. If you are worried about injury, train under the supervision of a accredited fitness professional and stay within your ability level.

2) Increase protein intake

Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. The current Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein is set at 10-35% of your daily energy needs. For those who already have signs of impaired muscle size or function, adequate protein intake is even more important to allow for optimal protein synthesis in the body.

The good news is that protein supplementation alone may slow muscle mass decline, but when coupled with the proper amino acid balance and creatine, it can also enhance muscle strength.

3) Increased amino acid intake

Studies suggest that amino acid supplementation may improve outcomes for people with sarcopenia.. A popular supplement is essential amino acids, which are amino acids that the body cannot make on its own and can only be obtained from dietary sources. Leucine, an essential branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) has been shown to preserve lean body mass. Leucine seems to stimulate muscle protein synthesis in a similar way in both young and elderly populations.

4) Monitor your hormone levels

As mentioned earlier, hormones can play a significant role in the progression of sarcopenia. Stay on top of your hormones by having your doctor check your levels during your annual visit.

As it currently stands, Hormone Replacement Therapy is not yet recommended for the treatment of sarcopenia but may become a feasible treatment option in the future.

5) Watch your vitamin D levels

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to be correlated with muscle loss in women regardless of body composition, diet and hormonal status. The research suggests that avoiding Vitamin D deficiency is not just important for bone health, but also in the avoidance of aging-related muscle loss.


Wrapping It Up

Before you begin incorporating protein shakes and resistance workouts into your regular routine to avoid developing sarcopenia, you must first develop a plan. The first step toward achieving a healthy level of lean body mass is to do a body composition analysis to determine how much you have. Click here to read more about the various types of BIA devices that analyse body composition.

Outcome-Based Wellness Program: Self-Care Zone in Workplace

By Corporate Wellness, Health, Press

In Malaysia, the rising health-related issues and problems faced by the corporate workforce currently is the ever-increasing medical cost, the increase number of critical illnesses reported, and the continuation of an exceptionally unhealthy lifestyle of business professionals.

These core issues, mainly because most people do not practice healthy lifestyle and conduct regular medical checkups to understand their health condition.

Thus, lack of health awareness has became a major challenge for the corporate workforce as they struggled to lead a good corporate wellness program, and improve employees’ health consistently over time.



Outcome-based Wellness Program

Most employers start a wellness program to improve employee health, improve employee productivity, or reduce their health care costs.  The goal of every wellness program should be to help employees adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. If wellness programs are successful, they will improve employee health and reduce healthcare costs. Since every company with a wellness program is trying to produce one of these outcomes, so here comes to the next question for Human Resource Department…

“Is your corporate wellness program successful? How does HR justify if the outcome is successful despite of using the participation rate?”

These aren’t just the challenges that most of the companies are facing, by just implementing a wellness program for the sake of organizing.  The purpose of any wellness program should be to improve the health of employees, sustainably. That means the program should be focused on behavioral change in lifestyle, and we all know, it takes long time make this as a company’s culture.

Some corporates use incentives to motivate employees to improve their health. Any kind of incentives-based program that are being used in the nation is only to create a short-term gimmick but it might not be able to make a sustainable healthy workplace.

Hence, this is the reason why many of the HR nowadays looking for a better solution which it can be successfully integrated into an incentive strategy and still able to increase health awareness through a routine health evaluation tool.

InBody Self-Care Zone in collaboration with PMCare

PMCare and InBody sought to address these issue by finding a creative way to administer and empower the concept of self-care among the corporate workforce. InBody Self-Care Zone is a product of an intellectual collaboration between PMCare and InBody as the primary solution to promote self-care with outcome-based program that shows evidence of employees’ health by improving body composition as the basic of overall health assessment. With this initiative, PMCare and InBody sought to support Malaysia’s transformation in cultivating a healthier lifestyle and becoming a renowned Vibrant Living Nation.

The Self-Care Zone is a special area equipped with InBody proprietary state-of-the-art health devices that enables employees to track their health parameters such as heart rate, muscle mass, fat percentage, segmental lean & fat analysis, and more in the body compositions. The devices are also integrated with the InBody Mobile App that streamlines the measurement records on the devices with an internal data system, which can be used by employees to monitor their health parameters and track any improvements from time to time. Besides, the human resource department can also use the LookinBody Web to manage data of employees’ measurement analysis in order to have a complete picture of overall health status changes in the organization.

On top of that, the Self-Care Zone is a great catalyst for the corporate workforce to encourage and empower their employees to adopt a healthier, active lifestyle – act as an self-motivational tracker. Serving as the main health empowerment area of any corporate office, it provides the right atmosphere and environment for employees to take a more active control in the management of their personal health. Setting up this InBody Self-Care zone at PMCare office enables their employees to also track their progress regularly, helping them to continue a sustainable overall health journey.

PMCare and InBody had also run this self-care zone program for the employees in Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia  . Watch the review from  Ms Christina – Head Of Human Resource shared about her point of view in HR about their experience in this program.

For more corporate solutions, please feel free to contact our Corporate Wellness Specialists or email us at



Why men are more prone to heart disease?

By BIA, Blog, Health, Nutrition, Press

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading causes of death in Malaysia. Heart disease is responsible for nearly 1 out of every 4 deaths in Malaysia.  Malaysians in their 20’s and 30’s are currently suffering from heart attacks. Ischaemic heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack, was the leading cause of death among males in Malaysia in 2018, accounting for 17.8% of all deaths.

It is important for men to understand what heart disease is, the risk factors and symptoms, and how to prevent heart disease.  

What is heart disease? 

Cardiac disease encompasses a wide range of heart disorders, including coronary heart disease (CHD) or coronary artery disease (CAD), arrhythmia, heart failure, and heart attacks. Coronary heart disease develops when the arteries that deliver blood to the heart and body harden and narrow due to plaque buildup.

This plaque is composed of components found in the body such as cholesterol and other fatty lipids. Atherosclerosis is the term used to describe the hardness and constriction of the arteries. When this plaque accumulates, blood flow is constricted, resulting in a reduction in the amount of oxygen delivered to the heart. This can eventually lead to a heart attack.

Why men are more prone to heart disease?

Men have an elevated risk of heart disease. According to National Health & Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2019, hypertension affects men 3 times more than women under the age of 30.

Other risk factors for heart disease include being overweight or obese, having a poor diet, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, and having diabetes.  

Symptoms of heart disease  

The symptoms of heart disease can often be “silent,” and go undiagnosed until someone experiences the signs of a heart attack or arrhythmia. Symptoms of these events may include:  

  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Pain in the upper back or neck  
  • Heartburn or indigestion  
  • Nausea or vomiting  
  • Dizziness  
  • Shortness of breath  
  • Extreme fatigue  
  • Palpitations or feelings of fluttering in the chest  
  • Swelling in the feet, ankles, legs, neck, or abdomen  

It’s important to note that not all people who have heart disease experience signs or symptoms. Half of the men who died suddenly of coronary heart disease had no previous symptoms or warnings. 

High blood pressure and heart disease

Having high and uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to heart disease. Over time, high blood pressure taxes the blood vessels and heart by making them do more work less efficiently. The friction and force that come from high blood pressure will do damage to the delicate tissues lining the arteries. Plaque forms along with these tiny tears and lesions. As more plaque builds up, the narrower the arteries become, raising blood pressure even more. It becomes a vicious cycle.   

Many people have no symptoms of high blood pressure until it is too late. It is important to regularly check your blood pressure to make sure it is within the healthy range.  

How can you lower your risk for heart disease?  

  1. Check your BP: regular monitoring of your blood pressure will help you stay informed and in control of your blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, it may be helpful for you to keep a log of your blood pressure readings and take them to review with your doctor.  
  2. Quit smoking: Smoking is known to increase blood pressure and can greatly increase your risk of heart disease.  
  3. Check cholesterol and triglyceride levels: Work with your doctor to regularly check your cholesterol and triglyceride labs to make sure you stay within a healthy range.  
  4. Eat healthy food: Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains has been tied to a lower risk of heart disease. Limit red meat, fried foods, high sodium foods, and sugary drinks and desserts.   
  5. Stay active: Regular physical activity can help keep your blood pressure in check and keep your arteries relaxed and pliable. Find an exercise that you enjoy doing and aim to get about 30 minutes of exercise per day.  
  6. Limit alcohol: Excess alcohol intake is tied to an increased risk of heart disease. Drink in moderation which means 1-2 drinks per day
  7. Lower stress: Too much stress can tax the heart and blood pressure even more. Find healthy ways of relaxing like taking a walk, reading a book, listening to calming music, or spending a few moments in quiet meditation or prayer each day.  

Men need to bear in mind their risk for heart disease and the associated risk factors. It’s advisable for men to keep their regular check-ups with their doctors, and complete the recommended labs. Checking your blood pressure regularly may also be beneficial, and those who struggle with high blood pressure or have a family history of hypertension may want to consider an at-home blood pressure monitor. Let’s have a look at our clinically validated kiosk type blood pressure monitor, BPBIO 750 Blood Pressure Monitor.

Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony Between InBody Asia and DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia

By Physiotherapy, Press

15th October 2021 – InBody Asia and DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia have announced a new collaboration agreement to foster long-term partnership to elevate the standard of health assessment for the community of DBC Physiotherapy centre.

Photo: From left – Mr. William Chung, Business Development Manager of InBody; Ms. Erica Kim, Managing Director of InBody; Mr. Nicholas Wee, Chief Executive Officer of DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia.


The agreement, in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), formalises the mutual interaction and collaboration to further enhance the screening assessment by providing quantitative, data-driven proof of improvement throughout the course of treatments and rehabilitation services.

The MoU is signed by both Ms. Erica Kim from InBody Asia Sdn Bhd and Mr. Nicholas Wee from DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia.


“In this rapid technological changes nowadays in our society and culture, people rely on measurable data to trust in their progress. As a documentation-based care company that provides evidence-based active reconditioning treatment, this MoU provides us for continued enhancing our service to help better tailor our programs and interventions more effectively. We are also in the midst of  expanding more branches with latest DBC Care concepts in the coming year of 2022. In order to standardize the assessment practice, using quantitative analysis from InBody can help us to show an additional proof of the success of our program to our patients.” Says Mr. Nicholas Wee – Chief Executive Officer of DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia.

DBC Physiotherapy and InBody have also shared the same objective in raising the awareness of cultivating healthier lifestyle, and improve patients’ quality of life even after recovering from the treatment through the vision of 4E concept which includes:

Educate – Deliver basic health education through the fundamental of body composition to the public to achieve long-term optimal health,

Effective – Provide objective measurement with data insights for more effective treatment interventions,

Engagement – Better engagement to start the conversation with patients to better understand their current lifestyle,

Economical – Provide basic health assessment at affordable price yet quality to the community.


Ms. Erica Kim, the Managing Director of InBody Asia said: “There is a real desire for both DBC Physiotherapy and InBody Asia to join up and educate the public to know their body better with precise body composition data analysis, in order to track patients’ body response to recovery and its relation to long-term health.”

With incorporating InBody test analysis in every branch of DBC Physiotherapy, walk-in quick health assessment has brought convenient to the community. DBC Physiotherapy offers “BLISS” – Balance, Lowerback , InBody Muscle-Fat Analysis, Strength Screening as a series of functional assessment protocol associated with body composition imbalances to provide a more efficient clinical treatment setting. Not only InBody is used for the assessment, visualization of progress keeps patients motivated and engaged in their treatment plan to increase rate of recovery. DBC Physiotherapy also encourage patients to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle in long run to reduce risk of other health conditions or injuries in future. Watch more about how DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia uses InBody at here.

About DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia

DBC Physiotherapy Malaysia is an outpatient physiotherapy treatment provider using evidence-based protocols and Finnish Active Reconditioning technology. Currently, they have 8 outpatient centres in Malaysia and provide active treatment solutions for physiotherapy centres, rehab hospitals and other healthcare providers. With over 20 years of experience in providing proven outcome results, DBC Malaysia has treated over 25,000 patients with 83% success rate in pain reduction & 75% in functional improvement.


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Maggie WONG, Marketing Specialist

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