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Health Screening

Assessing body composition is essential for health screening, as it aids in identifying potential health problems or diseases in individuals who may not show any symptoms.

What is Health Screening?

Health screening is the process of identifying potential health problems or diseases in individuals who do not have any symptoms or signs of illness. The aim of health screening is to identify potential health problems early, so that appropriate interventions can be put in place to prevent or treat the condition before it worsen.

Using body composition data in health screening is crucial, as it can reveal risks for diseases such as sarcopenia, obesity, and cardiovascular issues. For example, low muscle mass may indicate sarcopenia, while excess body fat can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

The Role of Body Composition Analysis in Health Screening

Comprehensive Body Composition Analysis

InBody provides detailed insights into fat, muscle, and water levels, allowing for a thorough understanding of an individual’s health status beyond just weight.

Early Detection of Health Risks

By regularly monitoring body composition, InBody can help detect potential health issues early on, allowing for timely interventions that can improve long-term health outcomes.

Portability for Community Health Screening Events

The InBody270 and InBody380 are portable devices that make it easy to conduct health screenings at community events, ensuring accessible body composition analysis for all.

How to Apply InBody in Health Screening?


Assess Body Fat Mass and Visceral Fat to Evaluate Potential Health Risks

InBody measures both Body Fat Mass and Visceral Fat Area, providing crucial insights into potential health risks such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. These data also help raise awareness about individual health status and the importance of proactive health management.

Assess Sarcopenia Risk using SMI

The Skeletal Muscle Mass Index (SMI) screens for sarcopenia risk, allowing healthcare professionals to identify at-risk patients and create interventions to preserve muscle health.

Evaluate Nutritional Status with Phase Angle

Phase Angle serves as an indicator of cellular health and nutritional status. By assessing Phase Angle, healthcare professionals can identify malnutrition risks in individuals and provide tailored health advice.

Detect Fluid Imbalances Related to Edema or Muscle Loss using ECW Ratio

ECW Ratio helps detect fluid imbalances caused by edema or muscle loss. Analyzing this ratio helps healthcare professionals to identify potential health risks early and encourage interventions aimed at reducing edema and addressing muscle loss.

Validated and used in

More than 6,000 research studies

Discover more about the utilization of InBody in health screening.

Popular Devices for Health Screening

  • InBody580

    Comprehensive Body Composition Analyzer

  • InBody380

    Portable and Advanced Body Composition Analyzer

  • InBody270


    Portable Body Composition Analzyer

  • BWA2.0


    Professional Body Water Analyzer

  • InBody S10

    InBody S10

    Medical Grade Body Water Analyzer

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