How are 8-point tactile electrodes different than adhesive EKG tape electrodes?

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Adhesive tape electrodes are usually placed on the wrist and a fingertip. Voltage line and current flow line always overlap from a certain point, and that point is where measurement begins. However, it is almost impossible to place adhesive electrodes in the exact same place every time, thus the measurement starting points can differ. Rather than adhesive tape electrodes, InBody devices use tactile electrodes. Voltage line and current flow line overlap at the same point and allow for a secure and reproducible measurement starting point for each individual.

How do InBody devices compare to other BIA devices? What are the major technical differences between the InBody and other BIA devices?

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  • The use of multiple frequencies to accurately measure intracellular and extracellular water
  • 8-point tactile electrode system with thumb electrodes providing a direct and reproducible measurement
  • Segmental impedance measurements to include accurate lean body mass measurements of the trunk
  • No empirical estimations required to calculate results.

Why is InBody technology more expensive than other BIA devices?

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InBody technology is different than that used in other BIA devices. InBody technology relies on direct measurement and can measure the body in a segmental fashion; is capable of accurately measuring impedance in the trunk region; uses multiple frequencies and does not need to use empirical estimations in calculating values; and evaluates a wide range of body types, from extremely obese, to elderly, to athletic.

Does the InBody do wireless printing?

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Currently, the InBody units do not have wireless printing capabilities. The InBody 270, 570, and 770 connect to Lookin’Body Web, a cloud database management software that allows you to look at your result sheets on the computer and email them to clients in PDF format. To learn more about Lookin’Body Web, send us a message at the Contact page.

What does the standard InBody package include?

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Each InBody purchase comes with the InBody Body Composition Analyzer, a box of 500 results sheets, a box of 300 InBody tissues, a compatible printer, a USB cable, a user’s manual, a results interpretation poster, a results interpretation booklet, and a quick set-up and installation guide.

Why use an InBody Tissue before testing?

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The InBody Tissue increases electrical conductivity where the hand and feet electrodes make contact with the skin. Without the tissues, it could be difficult for the electrical currents to flow through thick calluses or hard skin on the hands or bottom of the feet. The InBody Tissue also serves as an antibacterial wipe, which helps with the sanitation.

Who are not recommended to take an InBody test?

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• People with artificial electrical implants such as a defibrillator or pacemaker should not be tested. The electrical currents of the InBody may disrupt the functionality of life-sustaining implants.

• Women who are on their menstrual cycle may not obtain accurate results due to subtle changes in their hydration and body water levels.

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